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My Why

Hello there! My name is Joshlin and I am so happy you are here! I am 26 years old and just recently married the cutest boy in all the earth! We spend most of our time on DIY home renos and all our odd ball side gigs! If I’m not running around accomplishing my never-ending “to-do” list you can find me either with a book curled up on the couch or hiking at my next state park. For about a year now I’ve had an urgency on my heart to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Most believers agree that Jesus is coming back soon and the common urgency on believers hearts shows me that’s it’s sooner rather than later. However, I’ve had this urgency to share Jesus with those who don’t know Him who have the deep down feeling that there has to be more to life. And the good news is, there is so much more to life when you’re doing it with Jesus. And I would absolutely love to introduce you to Him! But even more so I have a passion in my heart for the already Christ followers and believers that have an itch for more. For those who feel like there’s more to God that they haven’t experienced. More joy, more love, more blessing, just more to life. Maybe you thought being a Christian would bring more peace or satisfaction to your life than you’re experiencing. And let me tell you, you’re right, there is more. Over the last 4 years I have fallen in love with finding the moreness that God has to offer us in this life. I was never content believing that I would finally be satisfied one day when I got to go to heaven. Where all my needs and wants would be met and I could finally live in the victory Jesus had for me. One day down the road, one day in heaven, right? Future tense? Couldn’t it be that I could experience that now on the earth? Praise God because that was not the truth, the truth is that I could have it now. I didn’t have to wait for one day when. It was ready and available now. Sitting hot and fresh, ready on the table, waiting ON ME to receive it. I’ve become overwhelmed with passion for the message that breaks down the lie that we have to wait till heaven or one day when to have every need and every desire of our hearts fulfilled. The Word of God is so clear and shows us exactly what Jesus made available through the cross and resurrection, NOW- present tense! And not only the message but the tangible evidence showing up in my life through physical, spiritual and soul healing, financial blessing, opportunities, experiences, solutions, all the things that is believed to be one day in heaven. I’ve gotten to experience here and now on the earth because it’s already ready through what Jesus did. So I’m here to share the moreness of God with you to help you live out the fullness in life He intended. 

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