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Complete pt. 2- You are NOT Who You Used to be

February 2023

Recalling last week’s entry, I hope that you had time to commune with Jesus and receive the cleansing flow of the Savior’s Blood. As we enter into this next week my hope is that you have fully received all freedom from that old nature. You are complete in Jesus! You are made new in Him! We talked a bit last week about how our mindsets can still be moved by our old selves- the unrenewed, unredeemed, and incomplete flesh nature. We have to now be conscious of those old mindsets when they try to creep in and keep us bound. First and foremost we have to meditate on and allow Galatians 3:13-14 to sink into our hearts and transform our minds. We have read this one a lot in recent blogs, but let’s read it again. Galatians 3:13-14, TPT, “Yet, Christ paid the full price to set us free from the curse of the law. He absorbed the curse completely as he became a curse in our place. For it is written: “Everyone who is hung upon a tree is cursed.” Jesus Christ dissolved the curse from our lives, so that in him all the blessings of Abraham can be poured out upon gentiles. And now through faith we receive the promised Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Once you have become that new creation through salvation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:15), the curse of this world no longer has any true hold on you. Jesus abolished the curse for us as we know from Galatians 3:13-14. So once we are born again, all the hardships and bondages of this world lose their true power over us. This does not mean that hardships don’t try to come our way or that we do not experience them. But it does mean that those hard things don’t win. They don’t truly hold power or place or authority in your life! Since satan lost his power when Jesus gained the surpassing victory, all that he can do now is play mind games with us, deception is his game. But we can be smarter. We can choose not to be fooled by the deception that he tries to pass off to us as truth. We have learned the ways of the world. Sin has been the ruling power in our lives and the lives of those around us so it is familiar to us. That’s why even after we get saved we can still be bound by those same things. The truth is that while we are still familiar with them, they have lost their power. Most times, the power they are able to hold is the power we give them.

Our old nature, without Jesus, is able to be conquered and defeated by the enemy and by his tactics. But that is no longer a thing. Jesus once and for all made us complete and gave us his winning victory (Hebrews 10:14 & 1 Corinthians 15:57). I know this may seem like a long shot but go with me here. If the Bible tells us in Hebrews, 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, and so on, that we have been made victorious, healed, new, complete, holy, given authority, equipped with the same blessing inheritance as Jesus, that is why I can say what I am about to say by the Spirit of God who lives in me. In our lives as believers, there should be a lack of fear, and self consciousness; lack of defeat, confusion, sickness, failure and worry! IT’S ALL A MIND GAME. The limitations and shortcomings you have and feel hindered with are now, through Jesus, stripped of their ability to hold you back. They ALL have been wiped clean, never to hold the power over you anymore. BUT our soul, where the mind and emotions reside, are accustomed to those shortcomings and limitations. These areas need renewed to the new life of our spirit. We have grown accustomed to them because they are what we have always just known in this world. We still see through their lenses. But the truth and reality is that they all have been abolished through the blood of Jesus. Our spirit is recreated and born anew. The mind and the will and the emotional part of us needs renewing to think and act and choose according to our new spirit, born again by the blood of Jesus! So we must remove these lenses of bondage, limitation, and defeat! Stop the patterns of thinking and choosing like you did without Jesus. This world we live in is but smoke and mirrors. After you receive Jesus we must now learn to see ourselves through the lens of Jesus, who is our new reality. Once you are born again, it’s no longer just you, it’s you through Jesus. Just like when you get married. You go from just you, to you and your spouse. After the wedding, you are never again just you in any situation. It is the same when you receive Jesus into your life. It is no longer just you and what you alone are capable of. It is now you and Jesus and what JESUS is capable of. The unsaved are still in the reality of the hindrances of this world because the curse has not been broken for them. BUT the children of God have overcome the world through Jesus, (John 16:33), the moment they believed and received Jesus. Even if you have not been walking out that victory it’s always been there. The difficulties you experience holding power over you is deception trying to present itself as truth. We have been set free! If you believe it you experience it as real. Find the promise of Truth in God’s Word to come against the lie. Deny it’s legal right through the truth of the Word of God and the blood of Jesus, and it has no chance of truly overcoming you. It all comes down to where you place your belief. So place your belief in the right place!

When the wind and waves come. Their goal is to get you to look at them and to to start to fear that they are going to take you down. In those moments of life, you have to anchor your feet firmly. Close your eyes. Then shift your sight from the wind and waves to the true Words of God. The wind and waves are produced by the enemy to get you to relinquish your power so he can try to conquer you. You don’t have to give in and give up. It might not be easy, but it is doable. Let the Word of God renew your mind to the truth that you are ALREADY a conqueror through Christ. He already took the whole curse of this world upon Himself so you wouldn’t have to be defeated by it! I’ll leave you with Romans 8:37, TPT, “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!”

I like to close each teaching with an invitation to salvation for anyone that has not yet welcomed Jesus into their life. Maybe you’ve read this and felt a pull on your heart. Maybe you’re in a place where you just need a solution. If so, this was meant for you and if you’re ready for the “moreness” of God, then believe in your heart and say out loud the following prayer: “Jesus, I repent for my sins, please forgive me for living a life apart from You. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for my sins and were raised to life again. I confess you as Lord over my life. Take my life and do something with it. And I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name amen.”

It’s as simple as that. Welcome to the family! That is solely the most important decision you will ever make. If you prayed that prayer, please send us an email and let us know. We would love to help get you connected to a Life-filled church in your area and help you get started on your journey of “moreness” with God. Click the chat button at the bottom of each page and send us a message!


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