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The Art of Listening

May 17, 2024

Are you a good listener? Of course we all want to be able to answer “yes”. But really, are you truly a good listener? I want us to examine this specifically as it relates to the listening part of prayer. Do you instinctually take the time to listen to what God is saying, or are you constantly talking at God? Obviously, talking TO God is important, necessary, and He wants us to talk TO Him. However, it’s supposed to be a relationship and relationships involve both talking and listening… sharing, communing. If you find you’re regularly talking to God about your problems or desires or ideas, it is quite important to employ listening as well. It is through listening that we can actually receive the solution to the problem, the direction for the desire and the vision for the idea. I propose that listening is something to be practiced and perfected, somewhat like an art. To Listen requires an intentional decision. We should intentionally give place to Him to respond, direct, and lead us in all the ways we need.

This week’s blog is going to be short, sweet, and to the point so that you can leave time for some intentional listening afterwards, 😄. Think on James 1:19 NKJV, “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath…”

I heard a respected man of God say that to be successful in 2024 we will need to actively listen to what God has to say. That there will be interesting things to navigate this year so we have to figure out how to constantly hear the voice of God. This impressed me to be very, very intentional about practicing my listening in my conversations with the Lord. 

The best way that I have learned to practice listening is through journaling. My grandma taught me years ago the way she learned to confidently hear the voice of God was through journaling. She told me to get a notebook that is specifically for my conversations with God. Then instead of speaking my conversations, write them down in the journal. Write down exactly what you would speak to God, then sit and listen for His response. It might not flow right off the bat, but practice makes perfect. My grandma said to write down anything I thought God was saying to me. It might not be perfect right away, but that’s okay just write it down. Continue this process often so that hearing becomes easier for you. Over time it will get easier and more accurate. Also if you’re reading His Word you will get more and more familiar with His voice and how He speaks. 

After years of this, I can attest to the success of this process! I started out a bit unsure, not knowing if I was hearing correctly. But after significant practice, I can confidently hear the voice of God. I still journal our conversations each time too. I like to keep a record of the revelations and commands God gives me. 

I firmly believe starting this super simple routine will help you be alone the art of being a good listener and in turn receive solutions, encouragement, direction and answers for your life. And guess what?! You can head over to the “More Resources” tab to download a FREE “Good Morning Lord Journal” so you can start listening TODAY! So click over there and start practicing now.

I like to close each teaching with an invitation to salvation for anyone that has not yet welcomed Jesus into their life. Maybe you’ve read this and felt a pull on your heart. Maybe you’re in a place where you just need a solution. If so, this was meant for you and if you’re ready for the “moreness” of God, then believe in your heart and say out loud the following prayer: “Jesus, I repent for my sins, please forgive me for living a life apart from You. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for my sins and were raised to life again. I confess you as Lord over my life. Take my life and do something with it. And I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name amen.”

It’s as simple as that. Welcome to the family! That is solely the most important decision you will ever make. If you prayed that prayer, please send us an email and let us know. We would love to help get you connected to a Life-filled church in your area and help you get started on your journey of “moreness” with God. Click the chat button at the bottom of each page and send us a message!


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